Page 64 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 64
The Origin of Species:
The False Book of the False Religion
The Origin of Species is regarded and revered by Darwinians as a
"holy" book. However, as previously seen, The Origin of Species is a
huge inconsistent knot of observations, doubts and uncertainties
resulting from Darwin's negative spiritual condition. The book is not
really a scientific work but is based simply on inference; even Charles
Darwin himself had serious
reservations about its scientific
character. In a letter to his friend, L.
Blomefield, he wrote:
So much has been published since the
appearance of The Origin of Species
that I very much doubt whether I
retain power of mind and strength to
reduce the mass into a digested
whole... 58
Concerning the contents of the
book, one of Darwin's closest friends,
A. Sedgwick, replied:
Darwin's The Origin of I have read your book with more pain
Species. than pleasure. Parts of it I admired
greatly, parts I laughed at till my sides
were almost sore; other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I
think them utterly false and grievously mischievous. Many of your
wide conclusions are based upon
assumptions which can neither be proved
nor disproved... You write of "natural
selection" as if it were done curiously by the
selecting agent. 59
Despite the fact that the book was based
on many errors in logic, irrational
suppositions and improvable assertions,
today it remains generally unchallenged.
Because The Origin of Species provides the
A. Sedgwick
basic foundation for materialist and atheist