Page 17 - Wonderful Creatures: Children! Have You Ever Thought ?
P. 17
needs for life underwater. It has the lungs, eyes and skin that enab-
le it to live underwater. The lungs and feathers of birds have the
structures that enable them to fly. There is no doubt that these
living creatures did not by themselves obtain the skills or body
structures with which they carry out extraordinary tasks. These
creatures are not the ones who invented the tasks, each of which
is more astonishing than another. They could not possibly have
learnt the tasks they carry out by chance either. It is not
possible for them to know all these things unless there is
someone who taught them everything they do.
Besides, there should be someone who created the
structure they needed and placed it in their bodies. Allah
gave them all the features they possess and is exalted in
power and intelligence. Allah excellently created us and all other
living things.
You may already know these facts, however there are some peop-
le who claim the opposite. Did you know that these people claim
that living creatures obtained all the wonderful fea-
tures they have by chance? And have you heard