Page 15 - What Kind of Yemen ?
P. 15

Adnan Oktar
                                       (Harun Yahya)

                                           help alleviate this devastation.

                                                Of course, these writings do not
                                           merely serve as a political or social
                                           analysis: Throughout the book, what
                                           happens in Yemen is analyzed based on
                                           the tenets of the Qur'an and effective
                                                 and exact solutions are offered
                                                 accordingly. The analysis does not

                                              adopt a tone that favors one tribe,
                                               political group or religious sect over
                                               another. On the contrary, the articles
                                            only offer solid and constructive advice
                                           that will contribute to the coexistence of
                                           the members of different sects and ide-
                                              ologies. By introducing a modern
                                                Islamic conception that values sci-
                                                  ence, art and women, the articles

                                                 discuss how such an approach will
                                           offer a remedy for the problems faced by
                                                One of our dearest wishes from
                                           Almighty God is the reign of peace over
                                           the entire world, and a peaceful and
                                           prosperous life for the Yemeni people as

                                           well as for all Muslims around the
                                           world as soon as possible. We do not
                                             want Yemen to remind us of suffer-
                                                ing, conflict and dissension any
                                                   more, but to remind us of a
                                                    country that has achieved hap-
                                                      piness, peace and solidarity
                                                       within itself, and unity with
                                           all Muslims.

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