Page 166 - Şeytanın Bir Silahı Romantizm
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              1- Mic ha el Ho ward, The Oc cult Cons pi racy: The Sec ret His tory of Mystics, Temp lars, Ma sons and Oc cult So ci eti -
              es, 1.b., Lon don: Ri der, 1989, s. 106
              2- Ger hard Rem pel, "Re form, Li be ra ti on And Ro man ti cism In Prus sia", ~grem pel/co -
              ur ses/ger many/lec tu res/07re form.html
              3- Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln. The Messianic Legacy. London: Corgi Books, 1991. s. 199
              4- Ant hony Smith, İn san, Ya pı sı ve Ya şa mı, Rem zi Ki ta pe vi, İs tan bul, 1979, s. 33
              5- Ja mes Joll, Eu ro pe Sin ce 1870: An In ter na ti onal His tory, Pen gu in Bo oks, Midd le sex, 1990, s. 164
              6- Ja mes Joll, Eu ro pe Sin ce 1870: An In ter na ti onal His tory, Pen gu in Bo oks, Midd le sex, 1990, s. 164
              7- Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier, "'Ecology' and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-
              right", Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, AK Press San Francisco, CA, 1995
              8- Da ni el Gas man, The Sci en ti fic Ori gins of Na ti onal So ci alism: So ci al Dar wi nism in Ernst Ha ec kel and the Ger -
              man Mo nist Le ague (New York: Ame ri can El se vi er; Lon don: Mac do nald & Co., 1971), s. 23
              9- Da ni el Gas man, The Sci en ti fic Ori gins of Na ti onal So ci alism: So ci al Dar wi nism in Ernst Ha ec kel and the Ger -
              man Mo nist Le ague (New York: Ame ri can El se vi er; Lon don: Mac do nald & Co., 1971), s. 22-23
              10- Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier, "'Ecology' and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-
              right", Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, AK Press San Francisco, CA, 1995
              11- Mic ha el Ba igent, Ric hard Le igh, Henry Lin coln, The Mes si anic Le gacy, Cor gi Bo oks, Lon don, 1991. s. 194
              12- Acar Bal taş, Zu hal Bal taş, Stres ve Ba şa Çık ma Yol la rı, Rem zi Ki ta be vi, Ha zi ran 1997, s. 162

                            ... Sen yü ce sin, bi ze öğ ret ti ğin den

                            baş ka bi zim hiç bir bil gi miz yok.
                          Ger çek ten Sen, her şe yi bi len, hü küm

                                ve hik met sa hi bi olan sın.
                                       (Ba ka ra Su re si, 32)
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