Page 14 - Miracles in Our Bodies
P. 14

ble     arises     during      these

                                            processes. No cell attempts to
         AND OUR CELLS
                                            do another's task or refuses to
        GO UNDER THE
         GO UNDER THE
                                            perform its own task. Besides,
                                            all these processes take place
                                            with an extraordinary speed.
         cells in the eye
         cells in the eye
                                                    In the coming pages, we
                                            will examine how daily tasks,

                                            such as digestion, respiration,

                                            seeing and hearing are, in real-

                                            ity, quite splendid. We will wit-

          nerve cell                        ness that our cells sometimes
          nerve cell
                                            act like a chemist to produce

                                            chemical substances, some-

                                            times act like an engineer to

                                            make calculations and some-

                                            times work to meet the needs of

          red blood cell                    some other cells.
          red blood cell
                                                  It is astonishing that all

                                            these are achieved by cells that
                                            are too small to be seen with

                                            the naked eye. Moreover, the

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