Page 86 - Miracles in Our Bodies
P. 86

M                uscles are the power

                                       stations of our bodies. They

                                       are in charge of transforming en-

               ergy into power, which they perfectly perform through-

            out one's life. We notice this sometimes, but most of the time

           we are not aware of it. For example, some muscles contract al-

          though we do not consciously make any effort. The heart and
          stomach muscles are of this type. Their action is beyond our con-

          trol. Muscles that contract by our will are attached to our skele-

           ton. There are 650 voluntary muscles in the human body. As

             we move, these muscles contract and relax together with

                the bones they are attached to.

                          Muscles are operated by blood vessels and

                         nerves. Blood vessels carry oxygen and

                                  nourishment to mus-

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