Page 42 - Those Who Do Not Heed The Qur'an
P. 42


               In order to achieve this ultimate aim, Satan prepares very special
             situations to sink people into a state of heedlessness. For this pur-
             pose, he makes plans using people's weaker aspects, and attempts
             to make evil deeds attractive to people's egos. Unlike the faithful,
             people distanced from religious morality can end up in a state of
             spiritual heedlessness by forgetting Allah and not thinking about
             their purpose in life.
               For example, Satan can easily waylay people in places of enter-
             tainment, because such places are conducive to wasting time and
             not thinking about anything. In these places what assumes the most
             importance are the clothes and accessories people wear, the money
             they spend, and the people around them. With the music so loud
             that people cannot hear one another, the air so full of smoke they
             cannot see one another, exploding flashbulbs, loud conversation
             and yelling, an environment is formed in which people who have
             no fear of Allah certainly cannot concentrate their attention or
               Of course it is a great blessing for people to enjoy themselves and

             come together with others they enjoy talking to. But these days
             places of entertainment are not those where the name of Allah is
             mentioned and where people recall their purpose in life. The pur-
             pose of creation is entirely forgotten. People who feel no fear of
             Allah in their hearts and spend their time in such places experience
             an atmosphere of heedlessness and are left in no condition to con-
             sider or understand warnings. In fact, one of the reasons why such
             people prefer these places is to forget everything and avoid thought,
             and they often say so. While a person who comes to such a place to,
             as he expresses it, escape from the troubles of the world, may have
             been behaving sensibly ten minutes earlier, now he starts to regard
             any excess as normal. In the name of enjoying themselves, these
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