Page 152 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 152


                                              Safeguarding the

                                   Rights of Orphaned Girls

                                          The verse below draws our attention to-
                                         ward the correct treatment of women:

                                           They will consult you concerning women.
                                           Say: "Allah advises about them; and also
                                            what is recited to you in the Book about
                                            orphan girls to whom you do not give the
                                            inheritance they are owed, while at the
                                           same time desiring to marry them; and also
                                          about young children who are denied their
                                        rights: that you should act justly with respect
                                       to orphans." Whatever good you do, Allah knows
                                   it. (Surat an-Nisa': 127)
                                    Some unbelievers seek to dispossess those weak
                            and vulnerable people who have no guardian to look af-
                         ter their best interests. One group of such people consists of
                      female orphans who, because of their wealth, are often sought
              out by greedy men. Allah warns believers about these evil-minded peo-
              ple, reveals their character traits, and commands them to be righteous.
                   Believers know that Allah is All-Seeing and will call them to ac-
              count for their actions in the Hereafter. They are aware of the loss await-
              ing those who cheat and defraud people here or are unjust or merciless
              to them. Given this reality, they shun all such evil, knowing that a little
              avarice in this life could lead to eternal suffering in the Hereafter.

              Therefore, they safeguard the orphan's interests and do what they can to
              keep all evil-minded people away from them. Likewise, they strictly
              honor the rights of any orphan they seek to marry and have no secret
              plan to acquire her wealth for themselves.

                           Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
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