Page 195 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 195


                                 sorted to lies in order to get the Prophet Adam
                                 (pbuh) and his wife expelled from Paradise.
                                     Muslim women know the final destination of

                                 liars, for their guiding principles are the Qur'an
                                 and our Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant
                                 him peace) sunnah. Therefore, they refrain from
                                 this activity and strive to remain honest, because
                                 following the truth at all times will bring good-
                                 ness and respect. Our Prophet (may Allah bless
                                 him and grant him peace) told the believers that:
                                     "Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and right-
                                     eousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on
                                     telling the truth until he becomes a truthful per-
                                     son." 25

                                         Muslim Women Are


                                     A common stereotype, often held by unbe-
                                 lieving men, is that women do not have the neces-
                                 sary patience and maturity to deal with certain
                                 stressful situations. In fact, they believe that
                                 women actually make matters worse and become
                                 liabilities. There is an element of truth in this
                                 claim. Whereas men tend to remain cool even in
                                 very dangerous situations and just deal with it
                                 courageously, unbelieving women often surren-
                                 der to fear and panic, thereby escalating the situa-
                                 tion and making it even more difficult for them-

                                       Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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