Page 203 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 203


                                             erase your bad actions and admit
                                             you by a Gate of Honor" (Surat an-
                                             Nisa': 31) and that:

                                                  The men and women who give
                                                  charity and make a good loan to
                                                  Allah will have it increased for
                                                  them, and they will have a gener-
                                                  ous reward. (Surat al-Hadid: 18)
                                                  People's true honor is revealed
                                             by their refusal to become base when

                                             with base people, to seek little gains
                                             by little frauds, to behave like unbe-
                                             lievers, lie, and become a hypocrite.
                                             In other words, they respond to all
                                             people with the same maturity and
                                             good character. Muslim women dis-
                                             play honor and integrity by behav-
                                             ing in accordance with their com-
                                             plete fear and respect of Allah, as
                                             well as their total belief in and sub-
                                             mission to Him. They never compro-
                                             mise over such issues, for they know
                                             that doing so will displease Him and
                                             put them on the same level as unbe-

                                                  In many verses, Allah mentions
                                             the importance of chastity and how
                                             it benefits women. He reveals that
                                             Mary's character and chastity is an
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