Page 235 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 235
She made an ugly offer, and the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) countered it by
seeking refuge with Allah from her:
My Lord, the prison is preferable to me than what they call on me to do.
Unless You turn their guile away from me, it may well be that I will fall
for them and so become a man of ignorance. (Surah Yusuf: 33)
Allah answered his prayer and removed this conspiracy, which was
set against him. The governor and all of the women who witnessed his
wife's offer, despite knowing that the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) was inno-
cent, chose to side with injustice and acted without conscience: the
Prophet Joseph (pbuh) was ordered to be imprisoned, even though his
innocence was clearly seen by all. He remained there for many years, as
Allah reveals: "Then, after they had seen the Signs, they thought that
they should still imprison him for a time" (Surah Yusuf: 35). However,
this has been a blessing for the Prophet Joseph (pbuh). Allah thwarted
the women's schemes and, in return for his devotion and sincerity to
Him, freed the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) from prison, proclaimed his inno-
cence, and made him a leader in Egypt.
These events contain a great deal of information that all believers
should ponder. The actions of the Egyptian governor's wife and the oth-
er women clearly show how the unbelievers' conspiracies affect believ-
ers, just how determined these misguided people can be, and how they
can rationalize their treachery to themselves. People who do not fear or
respect Allah can easily violate their conscience, scheme against the in-
nocent in order to achieve their selfish desires, and think nothing of slan-
dering the innocent. As Allah reveals through this governor's words:
"The source of this is women's deviousness. Without a doubt, your
guile is very great" (Surah Yusuf: 28). This aspect of unbelieving women
is related in other verses as follows:
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)