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            1. Mahmud Alusi, Ruh al-Maani fi Tafsir al-Qur'an  27.  Alexander I. Oparin,  Origin of Life, Dover
            (Beirut), 3:133-34; Ismail Hakkı Bursevi, Ruhu'l Beyan  Publications, NewYork, 1936, 1953 (reprint), p. 196.
            (Spritiual Meaning) (Istanbul: 1306 ah) 1:321.  28. "New Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmosphere
            2.  and Life," Bulletin of the American Meteorological
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            3. "Date and Health;"  29. Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Current
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    30. Jeffrey Bada, Earth, February 1998, p. 40.
            =date_palm                           31. Leslie E. Orgel, "The Origin of Life on Earth,"
            6. Ibid.                             Scientific American, vol. 271, October 1994, p. 78.
            7. "Break Your Fasting On Dates,";  32. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species by Means of
    Natural Selection, The Modern Library, New York, p.
            shtml; "Mothering and Oxytocin or Hormonal Cocktails  127.
            for Two," Sarah Blaffer Hrdy and C. Sue Carter ;  33. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile
    of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, p.
            8. Sahih Muslim hadiths.             184.
            9.  34. B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania: The
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                35. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile
            10. "Preganancy and Water;"          of the First Edition, p. 179.
    36. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, p. 172.
            11.    37. Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil Record,"
            =12&haberid=173                      Proceedings of the British Geological Association, vol
            12.   87, 1976, p. 133.
            4&konu=49                            38. Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, Pantheon
            13. "The second stage of pregnancy;"  Books, New York, 1983, p. 197.
    39. Solly Zuckerman,  Beyond The Ivory Tower,
            14. Muhammad Khalil Herras, Fasl al-Maqal fi raf`i  Toplinger Publications, New York, 1970, 75-14; Charles
            `Isa hayyan wa nuzulihi wa qatlihi ad-Dajjal, (Cairo:  E. Oxnard, "The Place of Australopithecines in Human
            Maktab at al-Sunnah, 1990), 20.      Evolution: Grounds for Doubt", Nature, vol 258, 389.
            15. Imam at-Tabari, Tafsir al-Tabari, 2:528; 1:247.  40. "Could science be brought to an end by scientists'
            16. Sahih Muslim, Book 8, No. 3465   belief that they have final answers or by society's re-
            17. Imam Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of  luctance to pay the bills?"  Scientific American,
            Religious Learnings) (New Delhi: Islamic Book  December 1992, p. 20.
            Service, 2001), 2:32.                41. Alan Walker, Science, vol. 207, 7 March 1980, p.
            18. Ibid.                            1103; A. J. Kelso, Physical Antropology, 1st ed., J. B.
            19. Sahih Muslim, Book 8, No. 3468; al-Bukhari ha-  Lipincott Co., New York, 1970, p. 221; M. D. Leakey,
            diths.                               Olduvai Gorge, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press,
            20. Sahih Muslim, "Kitab al-Fada'il," 63.   Cambridge, 1971, p. 272.
            21. Sahih al-Bukhari hadiths.        42. Jeffrey Kluger, "Not So Extinct After All:  The
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            Collection, Barla Lahikası (Barla Letters), 78.  Enough To Coexist With Modern Humans," Time, 23
            23. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Risale-i Nur  December 1996.
            Collection, The Flashes Collection: The Twenty-first  43. S. J. Gould, Natural History, vol. 85, 1976, p. 30.
            Flash.                               44. Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, p. 19.
            24. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Risale-i Nur  45. Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World,"
            Collection, Mesnevi-i Nuriye ("The seed-bed" of the  The New York Review of Books, January 9, 1997, p.
            Risale-i Nur), 215.                  28.
            25. Sahih al-Bukhari hadiths.        46. Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom,
            26. Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolution and  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980, p. 43.
            The Origin of Life, W. H. Freeman and Company, San
            Francisco, 1972, p. 4.
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