Page 53 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 53


                                               She brought him to her people, carry-
                                               ing him. They exclaimed: "Mary! You
                                               have done an unthinkable thing!
                                               Sister of Aaron, your father was not
                                               an evil man nor was your mother an
                                               unchaste woman!" (Surah Maryam:
                                               No doubt, this was a trial for Mary,
                                          for she had to face such accusations de-
                                          spite being a chaste woman who held
                                          Allah in the greatest respect and awe.
                                          These people ignored her impeccable
                                          character and honorable conduct, de-
                                          spite her own reputation and that of her
                                          family, and so, as always, she turned to-
                                          ward Allah, and trusted in Him, know-
                                          ing that He would defend her in the
                                          best possible way.

                                                     Mary's Vow

                                                     of Silence

                                               Allah, Who always answered her

                                          prayers with generosity and compas-
                                          sion, gave her inner peace during this
                                          trial. Knowing that Allah would exoner-
                                          ate her completely, Allah inspired her to
                                          make a vow: "If you should see anyone
                                          at all, just say: 'I have made a vow of
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