Page 107 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 107


                                      line themselves up at an angle to the hori-
                                       zon. As the angle of the Sun changes, they
                                     maintain the same angle to the horizon. Since
                                   this angle stays constant, the direction they’re
                                     moving in changes by approximately 15 de-
                                     grees an hour. But unlike the temperate
                                     species, tropical butterflies do not change
                           their migrational direction throughout the day.
                              An individual butterfly heading east in the morning
                        will still be flying east when evening falls. At the start of the
                     journey, it takes its direction from the Sun, but does not subse-
                  quently alter its course as the Sun’s position changes.
                Consequently, the butterfly must know that the Sun changes its posi-
                tion, and that if it changes its own course accordingly, it will arrive at
                the wrong place. It must also know the right and the wrong destina-
                tions for itself, and what direction will take it to the correct one. Each
                butterfly possesses all this knowledge, but by itself, this knowledge is
                not enough. Each butterfly must evaluate this in relation to its loca-
                tion and make a decision. Of course it is not rational to think that all
                of this depends on a little butterfly’s ability to judge. The reality is

                that God has created all the characteristics they need to carry on with
                their lives.
                    Even the most durable pocket compass loses its sensitivity over
                time due to electromagnetic effect. However, the direction finding
                ability of these little butterflies, which is such an important aspect of
                their lives, is not damaged by external influences and does not let
                them down in the midst of their journey. God has created all life
                forms perfectly. In a verse of the Qur’an, God reveals the following
                about His creation of creatures:

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