Page 19 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 19
Although you might think that the larvae would not be able to calcu-
late the continuously changing times for the tides, they have no diffi-
culty in doing so. The tiny larvae, whose development is not yet
complete, calculate this rhythm with great expertise.
These are only two examples of migrating animals’ timing abil-
ity. It’s of course hard to believe that these creatures owe these talents
to their own knowledge and experience. Who determines when and
where they will move? Who gives them this skill?
Some scientists have determined that this timing is due to an in-
ternal clock, but they are overlooking an important point. How is it
that such a dependable clock, which never stops or breaks down, has
developed in animals with the ability to migrate, and manages to op-
erate in even the smallest member of each species? Who bestowed
such an ability on all these creatures? Evolutionary scientists claim
that this perfect mechanism has developed over time, that is to say,
living creatures have developed this skill through blind coincidence,
which they refer to as the so-called evolutionary process. This claim is
undoubtedly ridiculous. Naturally this skill, whose importance will
be shown through various examples in this book, cannot be the prod-
uct of coincidence. It is not possible for blind chance to produce any
skill based on such fine calculations, and that indicates the presence
of a great consciousness. It is Almighty God that creates this skill and
bestows it on the creatures of His choice. God is the master of all
things, from the heavens to the Earth:
Everything in the heavens and everything in the Earth be-
longs to God. All matters return to God. (Qur’an, 3:109)