Page 69 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 69
The equation for finding the shortest distance between two
points on a spherical surface—that is, the orthodrome route—ap-
pears on the opposite page. 20
For most people, these complex mathematical formulae have
no meaning. But the black-winged stilt can fly without losing its
way, due to its ability to determine the route arrived at through
similar calculations.
Undoubtedly it is not a result of coincidence that a bird is
programmed to fly on such a calculated route. Possession of this
extremely complex knowledge points not to coincidence, but to
creation. In a verse of the Qur’an, God says this of those who try to
prove the contrary:
[Hud said:]"… Do you argue with me regarding names
which you and your forefathers invented and for which
God has sent down no authority? Wait, then; I am waiting
with you." (Qur’an, 7:71)