Page 108 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 108
Bees' eyes are sensitive
to ultraviolet light; en-
abling them to find pollen
in flowers with ease. Their
eyes were designed by
the All-Knowing and All-
Seeing God.
unable to see that portion of the spectrum. Both species would swiftly go ex-
tinct, because the bee would not be able to feed, nor the flower to reproduce.
This is proof that these co-dependent organisms were created by the same
For a flying creature, the most important sense is sight, because the mir-
acle of flight would become a very dangerous affair without the ability to
see. Birds, therefore, have been blessed by God with a superior sense of sight,
in addition to the ability to fly.
A bird's sense of sight has a wider perspective and can operate much
more quickly than a human's can. An object or view that we humans have to
regard at length, a bird can see as a whole, in one quick glance.
Eyes are crucial for the predator owl, which can see ten times more