Page 51 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 51


            to certain specific wavelengths of light—namely, blue, green and red.
                These are the three primary colors found in nature. Other colors come
            about through the varying combination of these basic three. For example, if you
            were to mix red and green light, we would get yellow. The pigment cells work
            following the same principles: When the cones sensitive to red and green light
            are alerted to an equal degree, you perceive the color yellow. If the cones sensi-
            tive to red, green and blue are alerted to an equal degree, we see white. When
            the cones that perceive all three colors are alerted at differing degrees of inten-
            sity, then it is possible to see any other color in existence. But our knowledge in
            this field of chromatics is pretty much limited to the above, and is currently
            nothing but a theory. It is still unknown, for instance, how the brain decodes the
            signals sent from the retina.
                As you can appreciate, the process of color separation is very complicated.
            But as an aid to understanding it, consider an example from modern technol-
            ogy. Color television screens work in a manner similar to the eye's color separa-
            tion system. On the screen, colors of different wavelengths are placed very close
            together, such that a magnified photograph of the screen would show that the
            TV picture is made up of miniscule red, green and blue dots. When we draw
            back a little distance from the screen, these colors merge to create the various
            shades we're used to seeing.
                To assemble the pictures we all see with our eyes, a large number of com-
            plicated color adjustments are constantly effected. The intensity of signals sent
            by millions of cone cells must be delicately adjusted, then decoded by the brain.
            What's more, this is not a process that takes place in the bodies of only a few for
            short periods of time. Every human perceives billions of images over a lifetime,
            and color adjustments are made for every single one.
                Acuity of Vision

                Whether the sight be a speck of dust or a vista from the summit of a
            mountain; any vision—from thousands of kilometers to a few millimeters in
            size—eventually focuses upon a yellowish spot, only one millimeter square,
            called macula lutea. 11
                At the central point of the macula, only about 0.4mm wide, the retina
            thins and contains a slightly depressed area called the fovea centralis. At the

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