Page 66 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 66


                  U.S. Army for $22. In other words, he had so lost any trace of moral
                  comprehension that he was capable of cheating his own nation and

                  endangering the lives of its enlisted men. Soldiers who used these
                  defective rifles had their thumbs blown off. Troops injured by
                  these rifles sued Morgan but lost, because in those days the courts
                  generally decided in favor of the robber barons. 25
                       When asked to build roof protection for his workers, one of
                  the capitalist employers of the time replied, that “men are cheaper
                  than shingles”—another example of the ruthlessness of those
                  days. 26
                       At the root of all this cruelty, the influence of Darwinism can
                  be easily discerned. A world view that regards humans as a species
                  of animal, and believes in the lie that some people are less devel-
                  oped than others, that life is a place of struggle where only might
                  prevails, results in ruthlessness, pitilessness and oppression.

                                  The Social Weapon: Darwinism
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