Page 194 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 194

They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Say: 'Do
           not make excuses, we will not believe you. Allah has already
           informed us about you. Allah will see your actions, as will His
           Messenger. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen
           and the Visible, and He will inform you regarding what you did.'
           They will swear to you by Allah when you return to them, so that
           you leave them alone. Leave them alone, then! They are filth. Their
           shelter will be Hell as repayment for what they did. They will
           swear to you to make you pleased with them, but even if you are
           pleased with them, Allah is certainly not pleased with deviant
           people.  (Qur'an, 9:94-96)
           If they come upon you, they will be your enemies and stretch out
           their hands and tongues against you with evil intent, and they
           would dearly love you to become unbelievers. (Qur'an, 60:2)
           When you call to prayer they make a mockery and a game of it.
           That is because they are people who do not use their intellect.
           (Qur'an, 5:58)
           As for the people who find fault with those believers who give
           charity spontaneously, and with those who can find nothing to
           give but their own effort, and deride them, Allah derides them.
           They will have a painful punishment. (Qur'an, 9:79)
           When they meet those who believe, they say, 'We believe.' But
           then when they go apart with their satans, they say, 'We are really
           with you. We were only mocking.' (Qur'an, 2:14)
           If you ask them they will say, 'We were only joking and playing
           around.' Say: 'Would you make a mockery of Allah and of His
           Signs and of His Messenger? (Qur'an, 9:65)
           When he does learn something of Our Signs, he makes a mockery
           of them. Such people will have a humiliating punishment. (Qur'an,

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