Page 250 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 250

            AND KNOWLEDGE
            The Egyptian who had bought him told his wife, 'Look after him
            with honour and respect. It's possible he will be of use to us or
            perhaps we might adopt him as a son.' And thus We established
            Yusuf in the land to teach him the true meaning of events. Allah
            is in control of His affair. However, most of mankind do not know.
            (Qur'an, 12:21)
            He said, 'No meal to feed you will arrive before I have informed
            you what they mean. That is part of what my Lord taught me. For
            I have left the religion of a people who clearly have no faith in
            Allah and are unbelievers about the world to come. (Qur'an, 12:37)
            Their Prophet said to them, 'Allah has appointed Talut to be your
            king.' They said, 'How can he have kingship over us when we
            have much more right to kingship than he does? He has not even
            got much wealth!' He said, 'Allah has chosen him over you and
            favoured him greatly in knowledge and physical strength. Allah
            gives kingship to anyone He wills. Allah is All-Encompassing,
            All-Knowing.' (Qur'an, 2:247)
            We gave knowledge to Dawud and Sulayman who said, 'Praise
            be to Allah Who has favoured us over many of His servants who
            are believers.' (Qur'an, 27:15)
            Allah showed great kindness to the believers when He sent a
            Messenger to them from among themselves to recite His Signs to
            them and purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom, even
            though before that they were clearly misguided. (Qur'an, 3:164)
            We made them leaders, guiding by Our command, and revealed
            to them how to do good actions and perform prayer and give alms,
            and they worshipped Us. (Qur'an, 21:73)

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