Page 284 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 284
Musa said, 'Our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his ruling
circle finery and wealth in the life of this world, Our Lord, so that
they may be misguided from Your Way. Our Lord, obliterate their
wealth and harden their hearts so that they do not believe until
they see the painful punishment.' (Qur'an, 10:88)
My Lord, You have granted power to me on earth and taught me
the true meaning of events. Originator of the heavens and earth,
You are my Friend in this world and the Next. So take me as a
Muslim at my death and join me to the people who are righteous.'
(Qur'an, 12:101)
(Ibrahim said) "Our Lord! I have settled some of my offspring by
Your Sacred House in an uncultivated valley. Our Lord! Let them
perform prayer! Make the hearts of mankind incline towards them
and provide them with fruits, so that hopefully they will be
thankful. Our Lord! You know what we keep hidden and what
we divulge. Nothing is hidden from Allah either on the earth or
in heaven." (Qur'an, 14:37-38)
Take them (your parents) under your wing, out of mercy, with
due humility and say: 'Lord, show mercy to them as they did in
looking after me when I was small.' (Qur'an, 17:24)
Say: 'My Lord, make my entry sincere and make my leaving sincere
and grant me supporting authority direct from Your Presence.'
(Qur'an, 17:80)
When you and those with you are settled in the Ship, then say:
"Praise be to Allah Who has rescued us from the people of the
wrongdoers!" And say: "My Lord, land me in a blessed landing-
place. You are the best Bringer to Land."' (Qur'an, 23:28-29)
And Dhu'n-Nun when he left in anger and thought We would not
punish him. He called out in the pitch darkness: 'There is no god
but You! Glory be to You! Truly I have been one of the wrongdoers.'
We responded to him and rescued him from his grief. That is how
We rescue the believers. (Qur'an, 21:87-88)
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