Page 335 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 335
As for the people who find fault with those believers who give
charity spontaneously, and with those who can find nothing to
give but their own effort, and deride them, Allah derides them.
They will have a painful punishment. (Qur'an, 9:79)
You can ask forgiveness for them, or not ask forgiveness for them.
Even if you asked forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah still
would not forgive them. That is because they have rejected Allah
and His Messenger. Allah does not guide deviant people. (Qur'an,
As for those who do not expect to meet Us and are content with
the life of this world and at rest in it, and those who are heedless
of Our Signs, their shelter will be the Fire because of what they
earned. (Qur'an, 10:7-8)
As for those who deny Our Signs and are arrogant regarding them,
the Gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, and they will not
enter the Garden until a camel goes through a needle's eye. That
is how We repay the evildoers. They will have Hell as a resting-
place and covering layers on top of them. That is how We repay
wrongdoers. (Qur'an, 7:40-41)
Those who respond to their Lord will receive the best. But as for
those who do not respond to Him, even if they owned everything
on the earth and the same again with it, they would offer it as a
ransom. They will receive an evil Reckoning. Their shelter will be
Hell. What an evil resting-place! (Qur'an, 13:18)
Who could do greater wrong than those who invent lies against
Allah? Such people will be arrayed before their Lord and the
witnesses will say, 'Those are the ones who lied against their Lord.'
Yes indeed! Allah's curse is on the wrongdoers, those who bar
access to the way of Allah desiring to make it crooked and reject
the hereafter. They were not able to thwart Allah on earth, and
had no protectors besides Allah. The punishment will be doubled
for them. They were unable to hear and could not see. (Qur'an,
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