Page 355 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 355

           You who believe! Wine and gambling, stone altars and divining
           arrows are filth from the handiwork of satan.  Avoid them
           completely so that hopefully you will be successful. (Qur'an, 5:90)
           I will lead them astray and fill them with false hopes. I will
           command them and they will cut off cattle's ears. I will command
           them and they will change Allah's creation.' Anyone who takes
           satan as his protector in place of Allah has clearly lost everything.
           (Qur'an, 4:119)
           You who believe! Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. Anyone
           who follows in satan's footsteps should know that he commands
           indecency and wrongdoing. Were it not for Allah's favour to you
           and His mercy, not one of you would ever have been purified. But
           Allah purifies whoever He wills.  Allah is  All-Hearing,  All-
           Knowing. (Qur'an, 24:21)
           They follow what the satans recited in the reign of Sulayman.
           Sulayman did not believe, but the satans did, teaching people
           sorcery and what had been sent down to Harut and Marut, the
           two angels in Babylon, who taught no one without first saying to
           him, 'We are merely a trial and temptation, so do not believe.'
           People learned from them how to separate a man and his wife but
           they cannot harm anyone by it, except with Allah's permission.
           They have learned what will harm them and will not benefit them.
           They know that any who deal in it will have no share in the
           hereafter. What an evil thing they have sold themselves for if they
           only knew! (Qur'an, 2:102)

           Conferring in secret is from satan, to cause grief to those who
           believe; but it cannot harm them at all, unless by  Allah's
           permission. So let the believers put their trust in Allah. (Qur'an,

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