Page 87 - Learning from the Qur'an
P. 87

Al-Muqit: The Sustainer
            Al-Muqsit: The Just
            Al-Muqtader: The Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the
            perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.  The Prevailing
            Al-Muraghgheb: The Desired, the One to Whom all men turn to.
            "...We are those who turn to Allah..." (Qur'an,  9:59)
            Al-Mutahher: The Cleanser, He Who Cleanses from Idolatry and
            Spiritual Evil
            Al-Mutakebber: He Who Reveals His Greatness in All
            Al-Musawwir: The Shaper
            Al-Musta'an: One Who is Called Upon For Help
            Al-Muta'ali: The All-Exalted
            Al-Mutakabbir: The Superb
            Al-Mu'tee: The Giver
            Al-Muyasser: He Who Makes His Servant's Path Easier in
            Goodness and Wickedness, Who Places No Burden Beyond His
            Capacity on Anyone
            Al-Muzakkee: He Who Purifies His servants of all faults, shame
            and spiritual impurity. "No, Allah raises and cleanses whom He
            wishes " (Qur'an, 4:49)
            Al-Muzayyen: The Adorner. "... He caused you to love faith and
            adorned and made it attractive to your hearts..." (Qur'an, 49:7)
            Al-Nadee: He Who is Invoked
            Al-Nafi': The Beneficent
            Al-Nasir: The Helper
            Al-Nur: The Light
            Al-Qabid: The Seizer
            Al-Qadee: The Ruler, He Who Completes His Task
            Al-Qadeem: He Who has existed for all time with His Being and
            Name and Whose Holiness and Perfection go beyond all transient
            Al-Qadir: The Powerful
            Al-Qasem: He Who Shares Out, Whose Blessings, Justice, Wisdom

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