Page 254 - Darwinistler Neleri Düşünmezler ?
P. 254
Harun Yahya
1982, s. 45-46 Look at the Evidence, Search for the Truth
51 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. Publications, Mart 2004, s. Ocak 20
172, 280 73 Arda Denkel, Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik Eki, 27
52 Science, 17 Temmuz 1981, s. 289 fiubat 1999, s.15
53 Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, “The Origin and 74 Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolution
Evolution of Life in the Sea”, Penguin Books, and The Origin of Life, New York: Marcel
2001, s. 6 Dekker, 1977, s. 2
54 Phillip E. Johnson. Darwin On Trial, 75 Alexander I. Oparin, Origin of Life, (1936)
Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 2nd New York, Dover Publications, 1953 (Reprint),
ed, 1993, s. 155 s.196
55 Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, “The Origin and 76 "New Evidence on Evolution of Early
Evolution of Life in the Sea”, Penguin Books, Atmosphere and Life", Bulletin of the American
2001, s. 204 Meteorological Society, c. 63, Kas›m 1982, s.
56 Phillip E. Johnson, Objections Sustained, 1328-1330
InterVarsity Press, 1998, s. 9 77 Stanley Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life:
57 ‹mam Gazali, Zübdet-ül-ihya, Huccet-ül- Current Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of
‹slam, Muhammed Cemaleddin el-Kas›mi, Salah Small Molecules, 1986, s. 7
Bilici, Kitabevi Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 1973, s. 579 78 Jeffrey Bada, Earth, fiubat 1998, s. 40
58 Phillip E. Johnson, The Unraveling of 79 Leslie E. Orgel, The Origin of Life on Earth,
Scientific Materialism, First Things: A Monthly Scientific American, c. 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78
Journal of Religion and Public Life. Say›: 77, 22 80 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A
Kas›m 1997 Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University
59 First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion Press, 1964, s. 189
and Public Life, Say›: 158; Aral›k 2005 81 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A
60 Emin Ar›k, Ateizm’den ‹nanca, Marifet Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University
Yay›nlar›, ‹stanbul, 1998, 4. bask›, s. 68 Press, 1964, s. 184
61 Stephen M. Barr, Retelling the Story of 82 B. G. Ranganathan, Origins?, Pennsylvania:
Science, This essay was originally presented in The Banner Of Truth Trust, 1988
New York City, 15 Kas›m 2002, as the sixteenth 83 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A
annual Erasmus Lecture of the Institute on Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University
Religion and Public Life. Press, 1964, s. 179
62 Dr. Michael Walker, Quadrant, Ekim1982, 84 Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil
s.44 Record", Proceedings of the British Geological
63 Sözler 87 Association, c. 87, 1976, s. 133
64 Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, “The Origin and 85 Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New
Evolution of Life in the Sea”, Penguin Books, York: Pantheon Books, 1983. s. 197
2001, s. 22 86 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower,
65 Stephen M. Barr, Retelling the Story of New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 75-
Science, This essay was originally presented in 94; Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of
New York City, 15 Kas›m 2002 as the sixteenth Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Grounds
annual Erasmus Lecture of the Institute on for Doubt", Nature, c. 258, s. 389
Religion and Public Life. 87 J. Rennie, "Darwin's Current Bulldog: Ernst
66 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time “Beyond Mayr", Scientific American, Aral›k 1992
the Fossil Record to a New H›story of Life”, The 88 Alan Walker, Science, c. 207, 1980, s. 1103;
Free Press, A Division fo Simon & Schuster, A. J. Kelso, Physical Antropology, 1. bask›, New
Inc., 1999, s. 32 York: J. B. Lipincott Co., 1970, s. 221; M. D.
67 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time "Beyond Leakey, Olduvai Gorge, c. 3, Cambridge:
the Fossil Record to a New H›story of Life", The Cambridge University Press, 1971, s. 272
Free Press, A Division fo Simon & Schuster, 89 Time, Kas›m 1996
Inc., 1999, s. 114 90 S. J. Gould, Natural History, c. 85, 1976, s.
68 Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, “The Origin and 30
Evolution of Life in the Sea”, Penguin Books, 91 Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower,
2001, s. xi New York: Toplinger Publications, 1970, s. 19
69 Daniel Dennett, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: 92 Richard Lewontin, The Demon-Haunted
Evolution and the Meaning of Life, 1995, s. 520 World, The New York Review of Books, 9 Ocak
70 Sözler 108 1997, s. 28
71 Richard L. & Christina E. Kleiss, A Closer 93 Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of
Look at the Evidence, Search for the Truth Christendom, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980,
Publications, Mart 2004, s. Ocak 26 s.43
72 Richard L. & Christina E. Kleiss, A Closer