Page 39 - The Miracle of Electricity in the Body
P. 39

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)                           37

                                 Direction of


          Electrical synapse           Chemical synapse


                                                        Synaptic sac
                          gap between

                                       Neurotransmitter                      receptor
          The neuron transmitting a sig-
                                                                Electrical signals travel
          nal and the neuron receiving it
                                                                throughout the ner-
          meet at the synapse point. A                          vous system, carrying
          particular electrical signal sets  Synaptic gap
                                                                messages from one lo-
          into action the messengers at
                                                                cation to another.
          the axon terminal of the trans-
                                                                Electrical signals have
          mitter nerve cell. Sacs full of                       to jump the gaps, or
          chemical messengers join with  Na+            Na+
                                         ions                   synapses between
          the cell membrane and release                 channel
                                                                nerve cells, in order to
          molecules into the synapse
                                                                proceed on their way.
          gap, transmitting the message  In order for us to enjoy  In some electrical ma-
          to receptors on the neuron’s  healthy lives, these innu-  chines, electricity
          membrane. Different messen-   merable connections in  jumps such small gaps
          ger molecules establish con-  the brain must be estab-  in the form of a spark.
          nections with different recep-  lished without the slight-  The electrical signals
          tors. The harmony among       est deficiency. Any break  in the body pass over
          transmitter and receptor neu-  or error in connections  the gap in the form of a
          rons is a clear sign of intelli-  may lead to a wide range  chemical signal known
          gent creation.                of ailments.            as a neurotransmitter.
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