Page 109 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 109

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)                    107

                         Prophet Jesus (pbuh). When the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh)
                         teachings began to spread and the number of his follow-
                         ers increased, the number of his opponents increased ac-
                         cordingly. In their own way, more cowardly traps were
                         prepared and more plans were made to discredit and de-
                         feat him. Such plots were nothing new, for all Prophets
                         encountered such hostility. Allah reveals in the Qur'an
                         the unbelievers' maliciousness toward the Messengers in
                         the following terms:
                             Why then, whenever a Messenger came to you
                             with something your lower selves did not desire,
                             did you grow arrogant and deny some of them
                             and murder others? (Surat al-Baqara, 87)
                             Society began to be divided by those who believed
                         in the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and those who denied him,
                         and the difference between the two groups became more
                         and more apparent. On the one side was Allah's
                         Messenger, who was teaching the true religion and call-
                         ing people to believe in the one and only Allah, and on
                         the other side was a group of people who had decided
                         not to believe in him regardless of his miracles or proofs,
                         even if they saw them with their own eyes. His enemies
                         revealed themselves clearly. Probably there were people
                         who were with him and heard him, but who later denied
                         him. Allah reveals such a situation in the following verse:

                             "The various factions among them differed..."
                             (Surat az-Zukhruf, 65)
                             For this reason, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) chose his
                         disciples from those believers whom he could really
                         trust. Allah reveals:
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