Page 120 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 120

118     The Glad Tidings of the Messiah (pbuh)

                      Allah takes back people's selves (yatawaffaa) when their
                      death (mawtihaa) arrives and those who have not yet died,
                      while they are asleep (lam tamut). He keeps hold of those
                      whose death (mawt) has been decreed and sends the oth-
                      ers back for a specified term. (Surat az-Zumar, 42)
                      As this verse clarifies, Allah takes back the self of the one who
                 is asleep, yet He sends back the selves of those whose deaths have
                 yet not been decreed. In this context, in one's sleep one does not
                 die, in the sense in which we perceive death. Only for a temporary
                 period, the self leaves the body and remains in another dimension.
                 When we wake up, the self returns to the body. 7
                      Imam al-Qurtubi makes clear that there are three meanings to
                 the term wafat which is from the same root as tawaffa:the wafat of
                 death, the wafat of sleep, and last, the wafat of being raised up to
                 Allah, as in the case of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh).

                                     2) Qatala: To Kill

                      The Qur'an uses qatala to mean "to kill," as in the following
                      Pharaoh said: "Let me kill (aqtulu) Moses and let him call
                      upon his Lord! I am afraid that he may change your reli-
                      gion and bring about corruption in the land." (Surah
                      Ghafir, 26)

                      In Arabic, "let me kill Moses" is aqtulu Musa, a phrase that is
                 derived from the verb qatala. In another verse, the same word is
                 used in the following way:
                      ... [That was because they] killed (yaqtuloona) the
                      Prophets without any right to do so. (Surat al-Baqara, 61)
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