Page 49 - The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
P. 49
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 47
Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and
great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be
comforted, because they are no more." (Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18)
Despite the fact that some people identified the Messiah’s
(pbuh) attributes related in the Torah with the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh), a close analysis reveals that these attributes are in one-to-
one correspondence with Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) whose appearance
was heralded by our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace). (For further details see, Harun Yahya, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
Is A Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)).
Oppressed People Want a Savior
In the Qur'an Allah speaks of oppressed people who, while
suffering hardship and tyranny, expect a savior who will deliver
them from their troubles. Our Lord says the following:
What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of
Allah—for those men, women, and children who are op-
pressed and exclaim: "Our Lord, take us out of this city
whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector
from You! Give us a helper from You!"? (Surat an-Nisa', 75)
It is revealed in the verses that the nations to which Allah sent
His Messengers were experiencing total social and moral exhaus-
tion before the arrival of the Messengers appointed for them by
Allah. Following their arrival, the people who believed in them
lived in plenty, ease, and happiness. But after their departure,
some people followed their selfish instincts and thus moved away
from religious morality and toward denial. They failed themselves
by worshipping idols as Allah's partners. In the Qur'an, Allah re-
veals the Messengers' loyalty to Him, as well as their sincerity and