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           52. Michael J. Denton, Nature's Des-  Ankara, 1997, s.169.
           tiny, Free Press, New York, 1998, s.  63. D. C. Johanson, M. A. Edey, Lucy:
           361.                                The Beginnings of Humankind, Simon
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           tiny, Free Press, New York, 1998, ss.  64. Science News, vol. 115, 1979, ss.
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           54. Douglas Palmer, "Learning to Fly"  65. Gordon Rattray Taylor, The Great
           (Review of The Origin of and Evoluti-  Evolution Mystery, Abacus, London,
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           55. Ernst Mayr, Systematics and The  no. 3, 1978, s. 74.
           Origin Of Species, Dove, New York,  67. Richard Leakey, "Modern & Tall",
           1964, s. 296.                       National Geographic, November 1985,
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           57. Erik Trinkaus, "Hard Times Among  s.62
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           Was Primitive", American Journal of  70. "Old Bird", Discover, March 21,
           Physical Anthropology Supplement,   1997
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           58. The AAAS Science News Servi-    1997
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           59. Ralph Solecki, Shanidar: The First  73. Isabelle Bourdial, "Adieu Lucy",
           Flower People, Knopf, New York,     Science et Vie, May›s 1999, no. 980,
           1971, s. 196; Paul G. Bahn and Jean  ss.52-62.
           Vertut, Images in the Ice, Windward,  74. R. Lewin, "Evolutionary Theory
           Leichester, 1988, s. 72.            Under Fire", Science, vol. 210, Novem-
           60. D. Johanson, B. Edgar, From Lucy  ber 21, 1980, s. 883.
           to Language, ss. 99, 107.           75. R. A. Fisher, The Genetical Theory
           61. S. L. Kuhn, 'Subsistence, Techno-  of Natural Selection, Oxford Univesity
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           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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