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           Our Family Tree", Human Nature, June  159.
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           Ape,McMillan, New York, 1931, s.    Flight", Biomechanics in Evolution, ed.
           332.                                J. M. V. Rayner and R. J. Wootton,
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           cessity, New York, 1971, s. 143.    ge, 1991, s. 99.
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           Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,  1995, s. 61.
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           2nd edition, Chicago & London, 1997,  215. Anton Pannekoek, Marxism and
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           205. Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Scep-  Charles H. Kerr & Company, Chicago,
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           159.                                217. Stephen Jay Gould, The Misme-
           207. http://www.revelationwebsi-    asure of Man, W. W. Norton and Com-

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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