Page 170 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 170

Harun Yahya

                   “I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in
                   the history of science”...  54
                   Søren Løvtrup
                   Darwinism is built on an exceedingly primitive logical premise.

               All the adherents of the theory, not excepting Darwin himself, act from
               a highly superficial understanding. They never go into researching any
               detail, and are reluctant to think about the glorious systems that each
               of those details displays. Their logic is simplistic: “First there was the
               Big Bang, and the universe then formed through a series of coinci-
               dences,” they say. But they never pause to consider how atoms—with
               their highly complex structure and the working of whose sub-particles

               is still not fully understood—came into being in the first place.
                   They never question how giant galaxies with their own highly del-
               icate systems, and the particular conditions on the Earth on which we
               live, could have come into being by chance, as they maintain. “A pro-
               tein formed spontaneously in a bit of slime, and that protein one day

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