Page 255 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
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Adnan Oktar

             even break even," Smithsonian Institute  54. Søren Løvtrup, Darwinism: The
             Journal, June 1970, p. 10.         Refutation of a Myth (New York: Croom
             39. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, "The Genetics of  Helm, 1987), 469 pp.
             Human     Populations,"  Scientific  55. Philip E. Johnson, Darwin On Trial,
             American, Vol. 231, September, 1974, p.  Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity
             85,  Press,, 2nd ed, 1993, p. 155.
             ule=articles&action=view&ID=74     56. Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis: The
             40. Said Nursi, The Letters,  The  Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea,
             Fifteenth Letter.                  Penguin Books, 2001, p. 204.
             41. Michael Brooks, "The Mysteries of  57. Phillip E. Johnson, Objections
             Life," New Scientist, No 2473, 4   Sustained, InterVarsity Press, 1998, p.
             September 2004, p. 24.             9.
             42. Werner Gitt. In the Beginning Was  58.Imam Ghazali, Zubdet-ul-ihya,
             Information. CLV, Bielefeld, Germany,  Huccet-ul-Islam,  Muhammed
             pp. 107, 141.                      Cemaleddin el-Kasimi, Salah Bilici,
             43. Dean L. Overman, A Case Against  Kitabevi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1973, s. 579
             Accident   and   Self-Organization,  59. Phillip E. Johnson, "The Unraveling
             Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997.  of Scientific Materialism", First Things: A
             44. Charles Darwin, The Origin of  Monthly Journal of Religion and Public
             Species by Means of Natural Selection,  Life, Vol: 77, November 22, 1997.
             New York: The Modern Library, pp. 124-  60. First Things: A Monthly Journal of
             125.                               Religion and Public Life, Vol: 158;
             45. Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis, The  December 2005.
             Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea, p.  61. Emin Arik, Ateizm'den Inanca ("From
             41.                                Atheism to Faith"), Istanbul: Marifet
             46.  T. N. George, "Fossils in     Publishing, 1998, 4th Edition, p. 68.
             Evolutionary Perspective," Science  62. Stephen M. Barr, "Anthropic
             Progress, Vol. 48, January 1960, p. 1.  Coincidences,",
             47. Robert B. Downs, Books that
             Changed the World, p. 285.         cle.php3?id_article=2208
             48. A.  Murat Aytekin,  "Arkadasligin  63. Dr. Michael Walker, Quadrant,
             Evrimi" ("Evolution of Friendship"),  October 1982, p. 44.
             Birgun, 15 August 2005.            64. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The
             49. Gabriel Dover, Dear Mr. Darwin,  Words, 87.
             London: Phoenix Books, 2000, p. 153.  65. Henry Gee, "Beyond the Fossil
             50. Stephen Jay Gould, Life's Grandeur,  Record to a New History of Life," In
             p. 221.                            Search of Deep Time, New York: The
             51. N. Eldredge, and I. Tattersall, The  Free Press (a Division of Simon &
             Myths of Human Evolution, New York:  Schuster), 1999, p. 32.
             Columbia University Press, 1982, pp.  66. Stephen M. Barr, "Retelling the Story
             45-46.                             of Science," First Things, March 2003.
             52. Charles Darwin, The Origin of  67. Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time,
             Species by Means of Natural Selection,  p. 32.
             pp. 124-125.                       68. Ibid., p. 114.
             53. David M. Raup, "Evolution and the  69. Richard Ellis, Aquagenesis: The
             Fossil Record," Science, Vol. 213, No.  Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea,
             4505, 17 July 1981, p. 289.        Penguin Books, 2001, p. xi.

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