Page 93 - What Darwinists Fail To Consider
P. 93
Adnan Oktar
tells them to protect themselves
by emitting jasmonic acid.
All of these fruits and the seeds
within them are miracles of
Divine wisdom, wonders of
Divine art, gifts of Divine mercy,
material proofs of Divine unity,
and bearers of the good news that
Divine favors will be granted in
the Hereafter. Just as they are all
truthful witnesses to His all-em-
The coconut seed germi-
bracing power and knowledge,
nates after a waterborne
each of them is a mirror confirm- journey lasting 80 days.
This timing is entirely of
ing His unity in all the corners of
Allah’s choosing.
the world of multiplicity and in
all the parts of the world of this
tree, a world that has become multiple. They turn the gaze from multiplicity to
unity. 30
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists fail to consider that plants and their leaves have a
sublime evaporative cooling system, a system that can never be ac-
counted for in terms of chance.
Darwinists can never explain in terms of evolution how the
impermeable waxy layer covering the leaves’ surfaces, known as the
cuticle, reduces water loss to a minimum.
Darwinists never realize that chance cannot explain how
desert plants “learned” to conserve water rather than allowing it to
evaporate, and how they came to possess features ideally suited to
harsh desert conditions.
Darwinists never fully understand how trees, despite their
outer surfaces being covered in a dry bark can pass many tons of water