Page 15 - The Danger of a Communist Kurdistan
P. 15

Everyone must learn the scientific evidence revealing that
           Darwinism is nonsense:  ................................................................276

           Works need to be done to stop Darwinist propaganda  ............280
           The Constitution must be amended so that the scientific
           facts of Creation are taught alongside Darwinism in
           the curriculum ................................................................................281
           The scientific invalidity of the theory of evolution needs to
           be described in the visual and written media, and in books,
           brochures and magazines  .............................................................284
           Civil society organizations must discuss the scientific
           invalidity of Darwinism ................................................................286

           Fossil exhibitions and conferences must be staged  ...................287
           Individual activities must be encouraged  ..................................288
           It is impossible for someone who sees the invalidity of
           the theory of evolution to be a Darwinist again  ........................292

           What Wıll Be the Result of Antı-Darwınıst and
           Antı-Materıalıst Intellectual Actıvıty? .........................................293

           Anti-Darwinist Intellectual Activity Will Eliminate the
           Threat of Communism, Not Just in Turkey, But All over
           the World ........................................................................................297

           After Antı-Darwınıst Actıvıty, "Turkısh-Islamıc Unıon"  ..........301
           What Will Turkish-Islamic Union Bring to Our Kurdish
           Brothers? .........................................................................................307

           CONCLUSION ..............................................................................312

           THE DECEPTION OF EVOLUTION .........................................318

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