Page 50 - The Miracle In The Seed
P. 50


                                                           30 m

                                                         In these little seeds (shown
                                                         above) is encoded all the informa-
                                                         tion on the tree (left) that grows to
                                                         a height of 30 meters (98 feet), in-
                                                         cluding such characteristics as
                                                         the tree’s number of leaves, its
                                                         height, and whether it will bear
                                                         fruit. Moreover, all this informa-
                                                         tion has been coded into the same
                                                         seeds in the same way since the
                                                         beginning of time. The same trees
                                                         have always grown from the same

             Everyone knows that when
             seeds have been planted in                 Gomphrena and its
             the ground, after a while                  seeds.
             they produce these
             brightly-colored flowers. But
             few people give much thought to how
             this happens, and who puts this information in the
             seeds. The most important truth is that God, Who
             knows all forms of creation, has put this information
             in seeds.

                                        Begonia and its seeds.
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