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Amerikan Ulusal Bilimler Akademisi'nin Yan›lg›lar›

            by Marvin Lubenow                    31 Robert Locke, "Family Fights"
            23RS Corruccini,  1992. Metrical recon-  Discovering Archaeology, July/August
            sideration of the Skhul IV and IX and  1999, s. 36
            Border Cave 1 crania in the context of  32 Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time,
            modern human origins. American       New York, The Free Press, 1999, s. 116-
            Journal of Physical Anthropology,    117
            87(4):440-442                        33 Daniel E. Lieberman, "Another face
            24  K.J. Niklas,, 1990. Turning over an  in our family tree", Nature, 22 Mart 2001
            old leaf. Nature, 344:587.           34 Villee, Solomon and Davis, Biology,
            25  A. Gibbons, 1998. Calibrating the  Saunders College Publishing,1985, s.
            mitochondrial clock. Science, 279 (2  1053
            January 1998), s. 28.                35 "Hominoid Evolution and Climatic
            26 J.L. Mountain, A.A. Lin, A.M.     Change in Europe" Volume 2 Edited by
            Bowcock,  and  L.L. Cavalli-Sforza,,  Louis de Bonis, George D. Koufos, Peter
            1993. Evolution of modern humans: evi-  Andrews, Cambridge University Press
            dence from nuclear DNA polymor-      2001 Bölüm 6
            phisms. The Origin of Modern Humans  36 J. Bower, "The Evolution and Origin
            and the Impact of Chronometric Dating,  of Humankind", in Wilson, D.B. editör,
            M.J. Aitken, C.B. Stringer, and P.A.  1983, s. 123
            Mellars (eds), Princeton University  37 A. Hill, Book Review, American
            Press, Princeton, s. 69.             Scientist, vol. 72, 1984, s.189
            27 Melnick, D. and Hoelzer, G., 1992.  38 N. Eldredge ve I. Tattersall, The
            What in the study of primate evolution  Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia
            is mtDNA good for? American Journal  University Press, 1982, s.8
            of Physical Anthropology, Supplement  39 D. Willis, The Hominid Gang: Behind
            14, p. 122.                          the Scenes in the Search for Human
            28 K.A.R. Kennedy,  1992. Continuity of  Origins, Viking Press 1989, s. 284)
            replacement: controversies in Homo   40 D. Willis, The Hominid Gang: Behind
            Sapiens evolution. American Journal of  the Scenes in the Search for Human
            Physical Anthropology, 89(2):271, 272  Origins, Viking Press 1989, s. 34
            29 R. Foley, 1995. Talking genes. Nature,  41 G.L. Stebbins, Darwin to DNA,
            377 (12 October 1995) s. 493–494.    Molecules to Humanity, Published by
            30 Robert Locke, "Family Fights"     W.H. Freeman and Company, 1982, s
            Discovering Archaeology, July/August  352
            1999, s. 36-39                       UBA'NIN YARATILIނILIK

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