Page 16 - The Dark Clan
P. 16


                                          The Dark Clan

                 tics of the members of this group are their animosity towards
                 religious values, their perverse philosophy and their corrupt
                 way of life. It is possible to liken this large community to a
                 clan which has been dispersed to the four corners of the
                 earth. The dictionary definition of the word clan is either a
                 group of people of common ancestry or, without having nec-

                 essarily biological bonds, a group of people adhering to one
                 totem accepted as the symbol of the group. The famous an-
                 thropologist and sociologist L.H. Morgan says in his book
                 Ancient Society that we find an example of clan life in the ex-

                 isting bond between chiefs and members within the clan and
                 in matters of wars, feuds and the sharing and communal
                 working of the land. Research reveals that each clan has its
                 own specific rules and taboos. The French historian Georges
                 Dumézil says in one of his articles on totems and clans that
                 each clan has its own secret taboos, unknown to the other

                 clans and that what may be sacred in one may be unimpor-
                 tant and of no consequence in another. The word clan de-
                 fines this community which stands at the forefront of moral
                 degeneration, very well.
                      The most important feature of a clan is the solidarity be-

                 tween its members. Even if the clan members live in different
                 places, the bonds linking them are rock solid. They have a
                 spirit of unity and solidarity and they protect and defend one
                 another under all circumstances, but it needs to be stated that
                 this solidarity is based on self-interest. The importance of the
                 clan's protection is described in various sources as follows:

                      … The principle maxim is the clan/tribe not the individual
                      as well as in matters of land, food, commerce, taboos, law,
                      water resources, hunting grounds etc… At the head of the
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