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             Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, The  134- Jeffrey Bada, "Life's Crucible", Earth, fiubat
             New York: The Free Press, 1998, s. 14-15  1998, s. 40
             115- "Science Finds God", Newsweek, 27 Temmuz  135- Klaus Dose, "The Origin of Life: More Questions
             1998                               Than Answers", Interdisciplinary Science Reviews,
             116- Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe, Evolu-  cilt 13, no. 4, 1988, s. 348
             tion from Space, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1984,  136- Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe, Evolu-
             s. 130                             tion from Space, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1984,
             117- Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Dinozorlar›n Sessiz Gece-  s. 130
             si, Cilt 2, Çev. Veysel Atayman, 2.b. ‹stanbul: Alan  137- Colin Patterson, "Cladistics", Brian Leek ile Rö-
             Yay›nc›l›k, Mart 1995, s. 64       portaj, Peter Franz, 4 Mart 1982, BBC
             118- Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,  138- Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsi-
             London: Burnett Books, 1985        mile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press,
             119- Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage  1964, s. 172, 280
             Books, 1958, s. 186                139- Mark Czarnecki, "The Revival of the Creationist
             120- Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsi-  Crusade", MacLean's, 19 Ocak 1981, s. 56
             mile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press,  140- Scientific American, Aral›k 1992
             1964, s. 184                       141- William R Fix, The Bone Peddlers, Macmillan
             121- Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to  Publishing Company: New York, 1984, sf.150-153
             Reason, Harvard Common Press, 1971, s. 33  142- Erik Trinkaus, "Hard Times Among the Nean-
             122- Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to  derthals", Natural History, cilt 87, Aral›k 1978, s. 10;
             Reason, s. 36                      R. L. Holloway, "The Neanderthal Brain: What Was
             123- Edward S., Jr. 1967. The reply: Letter from Bir-  Primitive", American Journal of Physical Anthro-
             nam Wood. Yale Review. 61:631-640  pology Supplement, Cilt 12, 1991, s. 94
             124- Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey, Vintage  143- The AAAS Science News Service, Neandertals
             Books, 1958. s 227                 Lived Harmoniously, 3 April 1997
             125- Scott Gilbert, John Opitz, and Rudolf Raff,  144- Ralph Solecki, Shanidar: The First Flower Peop-
             "Resynthesizing Evolutionary and Developmental Bi-  le, Knopf: New York, 1971,sf.196; Paul G. Bahn and
             ology", Developmental Biology 173, Article No.  Jean Vertut, Images in the Ice, Leichester: Wind-
             0032, 1996, p. 361                 ward, 1988, sf.72
             126- R. Lewin, "Evolutionary Theory Under Fire",  145- D. Johanson, B. Edgar, From Lucy to Language,
             Science, vol. 210, 21 November, 1980, p. 883  s. 99, 107
             127- Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to  146- S. L. Kuhn, `Subsistence, Technology, and
             Reason, Boston:Gambit, 1971, s.101  Adaptive Variation in Middle Paleolithic Italy,
             128- Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  American Anthropologist, cilt 94, no 2, 1992, s. 309-
             Darwin, Cilt II, New York:D. Appleton and Com-  310
             pany, 1888,  s. 105                147- Roger Lewin, Modern ‹nsan›n Kökeni, Tübitak
             129- Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  Popüler Bilim Kitaplar›: Ankara, 1997, s. 169
             Darwin, Cilt.II, s. 146            148- Henry Gee, "Statistical Cloud over African
             130- Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles  Eden," Nature, 355 (13 February 1992): 583.
             Darwin, Cilt.I,s. 455              149- Marcia Barinaga, "'African Eve' Backers Beat a
             131- Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni, Onur Yay›n-  Retreat," Science, 255 (7 February 1992): 687.
             lar›, Beflinci Bask›, Ankara 1996, s. 185  150- S. Blair Hedges, Sudhir Kumar, Koichiro Ta-
             132- Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted  mura, and Mark Stoneking, "Human Origins and
             World", The New York Review of Books, 9 Ocak, 1997,  Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Sequences," Scien-
             s. 28                              ce, 255 (7 February 1992): 737-739.
             133- Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Sceptics Guide to the  151- Barinaga, "Choosing a Human Family Tree,"
             Creation of Life on Earth, Summit Books, New York,  Science, 255 (7 February 1992): 687.
             1986. s. 207
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