Page 409 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 409

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

               and in a perfect state on the earth. That means that "the origin of
               species," contrary to Darwin's supposition, is not evolution, but

                         The Tale of Human Evolution
                         The Tale of Human Evolution
                    The subject most often brought up by advocates of the theory
               of evolution is the subject of the origin of man. The Darwinist claim
               holds that man evolved from so-called ape-like creatures. During
               this alleged evolutionary process, which is supposed to have start-
               ed 4-5 million years ago, some "transitional forms" between pre-

               sent-day man and his imaginary ancestors are supposed to have
               existed. According to this completely imaginary scenario, four ba-
               sic "categories" are listed:
                    1. Australopithecus
                    2. Homo habilis

                    3. Homo erectus
                    4. Homo sapiens
                    Evolutionists call man's so-called first ape-like ancestors Aus-
               tralopithecus, which means "South African ape." These living be-
               ings are actually nothing but an old ape species that has become
               extinct. Extensive research done on various Australopithecus spec-
               imens by two world famous anatomists from England and the
               USA, namely, Lord Solly Zuckerman and Prof. Charles Oxnard,
               shows that these apes belonged to an ordinary ape species that be-

               came extinct and bore no resemblance to humans. 27
                    Evolutionists classify the next stage of human evolution as
               "homo," that is "man." According to their claim, the living beings in
               the Homo series are more developed than Australopithecus. Evolu-
               tionists devise a fanciful evolution scheme by arranging different
               fossils of these creatures in a particular order. This scheme is imag-
               inary because it has never been proved that there is an evolution-

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