Page 42 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 42

The Little Man in the Tower


                              THE LITTLE

                           MAN AT THE

                             TOP OF THE



                            et’s summarize briefly what we discussed in the previous
                            chapter: We can never have a direct knowledge of the
               originals of what we see, hear, touch and refer to as "matter." Actually we
               interact with the perceptions that we experience in our brains. We can never
               step outside our brains to get in touch with the originals of what we see,
               hear, touch and so, and never can check how their originals are. There is no
               technical difference between dreaming and real life; we perceive both inside
               our brains. The wide world that we imagine to be so very enormous is
               actually a totality of perceptions transmitted into our brains. Gigantic
               galaxies, which we imagine to be billions of miles away, are actually simply
               perceptions in our brains’ visual center. They are not "out in space" at all,
               but right inside us.

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