Page 55 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 55
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
themselves. Let us describe this frightening picture more closely: The
materialist is describing a giant carrying the whole universe in a tiny region
in his head, looking at it from close up. Since the Sun, Moon, stars and all
other sources of light are in his head, our giant must inevitably be in
darkness. In comparison with our own scale, this giant’s arms and legs are
hundreds of feet long. In other words, the materialist arrives at the
conclusion that there must be a giant human being, who carries the entire
universe in his head, and goes nobody knows where, all in pitch darkness.
Considering materialist claims, one is forced to make the clearly
nonsensical claim that there is a giant person who carries the entire
universe in his brain and who has no idea where he is going!