Page 20 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 20


                Believing Scientists' "Eagerness to Serve"
                Because scientists who believe in God's oneness and omnipotence have
              no desire for worldly gain, such as status, rank, reputation, or money,
              their efforts in scientific research are sincere. They know that every
              mystery of the universe they unravel will increase mankind's
              understanding of God, helping to reveal God's infinite power and
              knowledge. Confirming God's existence for humanity, demonstrating to it
              the reality of creation, is a truly important act of worship for a believer.
                Driven by such sincere concerns, believing scientists conduct important
              extensive research with a great enthusiasm, to discover the laws of the
              universe, the miraculous systems in nature, and the perfect mechanisms
              and intelligent behaviors in living things. They achieve great results and
              make tremendous progress. They never falter in the face of the problems
              they encounter, nor do they lose heart when they fail to be appreciated by
              others. They only seek to gain God's approval for the work they do.
                They strive to serve other believers purely for God's good pleasure.
              And, they recognize no limits to their endeavor. They do their best to be
              of utmost use to people, and to serve them in the best way. Furthermore,
              their sincere efforts make them highly productive, and their studies lead
              to positive results.

                Every living thing in the
                universe has a perfect
                design. For instance, just
                                                                     Myelin (enclosure)
                as physicist Lipson put it, a
                tiny nerve is a masterpiece
                of electrical engineering.


                                   Cell body


                                                          Cell nucleus

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