Page 39 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 39
Religion Helps Science T o Be Rightly Guided
and then join with other non-living materials to form perfect and highly
complex cells. It has also become obvious that the millions of life-forms
we see around us could not have formed, as evolutionists claim, from
cells that came together accidentally. Certainly, a rose, a peacock, a tiger,
an ant, in other words, no living being, could have come into existence
by the will of unconscious cells made up of the combination of
unconscious atoms.
A scientist performing extensive studies into these subjects is by no
means a product of the common decision taken by unconscious atoms. It
is certainly impossible for unconscious atoms to develop a fully conscious
human being.
In this regard, hundreds of years ago it was related in the Qur'an that
life was created by God from "nothing", that God alone gives life, and no
other being but He has the power to "give life". If science had ascertained
the implications of the facts transmitted by God to mankind, it would not
have "toyed away" in inconclusive research for such a long period of time.
The Losses The Efforts to Prove the Claim of "The
Evolution of Species" Caused Science
There are millions of living species on the earth, and these species differ
from one another in a variety of ways. Consider, for instance, horses,
birds, snakes, butterflies, fish, cats, bats, worms, ants, elephants,
mosquitoes, bees, dolphins, starfish, jellyfish, camels... All these forms of
life greatly differ from each other in their physical characteristics, habitats,
hunting techniques, defense tactics, feeding habits, reproduction, and so
So, how did these creatures come into being?
Anyone who reflects upon this question, employing the faculty of his
reason, would see that all living things are designed, that is, created.
Every design proves the existence of an intelligent designer that has
produced it. Living things, just as all other examples of design in nature,
prove the existence of God.
This truth has been revealed to us through Islam. In the Qur'an, we are
informed how living things came into being: All living species were