Page 71 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 71

Religion and Science are Always in Agreement

            disseminate it. Some of them read:
               One who proceeds on a path in the pursuit of knowledge, God makes
               him proceed therewith on a path to the Garden (Paradise)… The
               learned are the heirs of the prophets, for the prophets did not leave
               behind a legacy of wealth but that of knowledge. So whoever partakes
               of it derives a plenteous benefit. 44

               A believer is never satiated with gainful knowledge; he goes acquiring
               it till his death and entry into Paradise. 45
               It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) used to say after the dawn prayer,
               "O God, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, acceptable action, and
               good provision."  46
               Playing an important role in the transfer of scientific knowledge to
            Europe, as well as producing many Muslim scientists of her own,
            Andalusia was a crucible of revolutionary discoveries and scientific

            progress, particularly in the field of medicine. Muslim physicians did not
            specialize in a single subject, but conducted studies in a wide range of
            fields, including pharmacology, surgery, ophthalmology, gynecology,
            physiology, bacteriology and hygiene. One of the most noted Andalusian
            physicians was Ibn Juljul (?-992), who conducted extensive studies on
            medical herbs, and produced works on the history of medicine and
            medical herbs. Another distinguished physician of the time was Abu
            Ja'far Ibn al-Jazzar (?-1009) from Tunisia, who mastered the science of
            drug therapy for the treatment of specific symptoms and diseases, and

                    Only those of His servants with knowledge have fear of
                     God. God is Almighty, Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Fatir: 28)

                   God bears witness that there is no deity but Him, as do
                     the angels and the people of knowledge, upholding
                       justice. There is no deity but Him, the Almighty,
                             the All-Wise. (Surat Al ‘Imran: 18)

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