Page 105 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 105
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
purposeless." (Surat al-A'raf: 138-139)
This propensity towards the deviant ideology of idolatry among the
people of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) was to surface again in some people.
Among the people of the Prophet Moses (pbuh), there were some who did
not feel an adequate fear for Allah, and thus were prone to unbelief.
The Prophet Moses (pbuh) and his tribe headed for Mount Sinai. Prior
to his departure, he gave some advice to the Prophet Aaron (pbuh):
We set aside thirty nights for Moses and then completed them with
ten, so the appointed time of his Lord was forty nights in all. Moses
said to his brother Aaron, "Be my caliph among my people. Keep
order and do not follow the way of the corrupters." (Surat al-A'raf:
Leaving his people behind, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) reached the
mountain of Horeb within the appointed time. There, Allah addressed him
once again:
When Moses came to Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to
him, he said, "My Lord, show me Yourself so that I may look at
You!" He (Allah) said, "You will not see Me, but look at the moun-
tain. If it remains firm in its place, then you will see Me." But when
His Lord manifested Himself to the mountain, He crushed it flat and
Moses fell unconscious to the ground. When he regained con-
sciousness he said, "Glory be to You! I apologise to You and I am the
first of the believers!" He (Allah) said, "Moses, I have chosen you
over all mankind for My Message and My Word. Take what I have
given you and be among the thankful." We wrote everything for
him on the Tablets as an admonition and making all things clear.
"Seize hold of it vigorously and command your people to adopt the
best in it. I will show you the home of the deviators!" (Surat al-A'raf:
Meanwhile, the hypocrites among the tribe of the Prophet Moses
(pbuh) took advantage of his leaving. Insolent to the Prophet Aaron (pbuh),
they made an idol in the shape of a calf, as in the superstitiuos Egyptian re-
After he left, Moses' people adopted a calf made from their orna-