Page 16 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 16


              The children of Israel were enslaved by Pharaoh in Egypt and subjected to hard

              subjected to numerous assaults and slanders. Later in his life, after his re-
              lease from prison by the decree of Allah where he had been put because of
              a false accusation, Prophet Joseph (pbuh) was placed in authority over the
              treasures of Egypt. His appointment was followed by the influx of the chil-
              dren of Israel into Egypt. Allah describes this in the Qur'an as follows:
                   Then when they entered into Joseph's presence, he drew his par-
                   ents close to him and said, "Enter Egypt safe and sound, if Allah
                   wills." ( Surah Yusuf: 99)
                   According to the account in the Qur'an, the children of Israel, who had
              dwelled in peace and security in Egypt, eventually lost their status in the so-

              ciety, and in time, were finally enslaved. From the related verses in the
              Qur'an we understand that the children of Israel lived in such a condition at
              the time the Prophet Moses (pbuh) arrived on the scene. As described in the
              Qur'an, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) went to Pharaoh as "a member of an en-
              slaved tribe." The following arrogant answer, which Pharaoh and his inner

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