Page 47 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 47

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                           An ancient Egyptian figure depicting the enslavement of the chil-
                           dren of Israel under Pharaoh's rule.

                           Moses said, "Pharaoh! I am truly a Messenger from the
                           Lord of all the worlds, duty bound to say nothing about
                           Allah except the truth. I have come to you with a Clear
                           Sign from your Lord. So send the tribe of Israel away
                           with me." (Surat al-Araf: 104-105)
                           Nonetheless, Pharaoh, denying his request, tried various
                           other methods against the Prophet Moses (pbuh). By re-
                           minding the Prophet Moses (pbuh) of how he had been
                           brought up in his palace, he was attempting to remind him
                           of the loyalty he owed to him and, with his foolish mind, to
                           allegedly humiliate him in the eyes of his inner circle.
                           Furthermore, with his shallow mentality, he tried to coerce
                           him by mention of the Egyptian man he unintentionally
                           killed. The Prophet Moses' (pbuh) response to all such mis-
                           treatment was one particular to a true believer, who uncon-
                           ditionally submits to his destiny, and has a full grasp of its
                           implications. Allah tells in the related verse of the Qur'an as
                 He (Pharaoh) said, "Did we not bring you up among us as a child
                 and did you not spend many years of your life among us? Yet you
                 committed the deed you did and were ungrateful."
                 He (Moses) said, "At the time I did it I was one of the misguided and
                 so I fled from you when I was in fear of you but my Lord gave me
                 right judgement and made me one of the Messengers." (Surat ash-
                 Shu'ara: 18-21)
                 The Prophet Moses (pbuh) explained to Pharaoh that his growing up
             in the palace was not a favor but a result of his cruel oppression. Allah re-
             lates in the Qur'an thus:
                 And anyway you can only reproach me with this favour because
                 you made the tribe of Israel into slaves! (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 22)

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