Page 125 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 125

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                    Further difficulties arise because our senses also deceive us.
                    Philosophers have known for thousands of years that our mind rep-
                    resents our senses, thus the world we see and taste and touch is dif-
                    ferent (naive real) to the real world which causes our senses. . . .

                    Likewise, our sense of color is an obvious example of how our mind
                    represents a certain frequency of light.

                    If we are to describe Reality then it must be founded on real things
                    which exist and cause our senses, not on the naive real representa-
                    tion of our senses. Thus Science, by being empirically founded, is not
                    well suited to describing Reality itself.   71
                    Peter Russell makes the following statements:
                    At first, we might find it surprising that the conclusions of modern
                    physics are so far removed from our experience or reality. . . . What
                    would be far more surprising would be to find that the image of re-
                    ality created in the human mind was indeed a faithful representation
                    of the thing-in-itself.
                    When we speak of the material world we usually think we are refer-
                    ring to the underlying reality—the world that we are perceiving “out
                    there”. In fact we are only describing our image of reality. The mate-
                    riality we experience, the solidness we feel, the whole of the “real
                    world” that we know are all aspects of the image created in the
                    mind; they are part of our interpretation of reality. Paradoxical as it
                    may sound, matter is something created in the mind.  72
                    That being so, reality for us is not matter, the external original
               of which we can never directly experience. Since all these things
               consist of an image formed by electrical signals in the brain, reali-
               ty cannot be the world inside the brain, either. This world is com-
               pletely illusory, a phantasm. We are misled by observing that
                world. “Reality,” therefore, is neither outside nor in the image in-
                side the brain.

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